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Using Trust Content

Copyright guidelines on how to use our materials

Our aim as a charity is to make the information we research as widely known as possible. We welcome enquiries about using or adapting maps or other material from the British Historic Towns Atlas including volumes currently in print, and the Town & City Historical Maps series.

Use in educational and instructional contexts

The Trust gives permission for the use of those maps which appear on our website (Atlas Volume I, Atlas Volume II and Atlas Volume III) for use in educational or instructional contexts - for example in public lectures, for school classes or for higher-educational purposes. You do not need to seek our permission for such use.

If you do use this material for the purposes permitted, please acknowledge its source:

British Historic Towns Atlas

and, where possible, display the copyright symbol: ©.

Use in commercial publications and media

Use of any atlas and map material in commercial publications and in the media, in printed form or for another website, or any other use in the broader media, (e.g. television, radio, film) requires specific permission, so please contact us. Our contact form is available below.

Requests to reproduce or adapt map material from an atlas will always receive consideration. Requests to reproduce text material will also be considered and if appropriate we will contact the authors of the text to seek their permission.

Please note that the copyright in Atlas Volume I is held by Lovell Johns Ltd and requests to reproduce maps or text should initially be directed to them (although in practice they usually refer the request back to us).

Reproduction of material is subject to:

  1. acknowledgement of the source of the material; and

  2. the protection of copyright and other intellectual property rights

A fee may be payable for commercial reproduction. For academic or research purposes we would not normally charge, but we still need to know how the material is being used.

Note that we can also supply extracts from our current publications tailored to your publication (for example where no map labels are cut in half).

If you publish material from the British Historic Towns Atlas or Town & City Historical Maps, we would be happy to provide a link from our website to your publication.

We do need to be sure that the integrity of the original material is not compromised and the publication of the adapted material is consistent with the aims of the Historical Towns Trust. Please supply details of the material and place of reproduction as listed below. You can provide these details either by using our contact form at the foot of each page or submitting by post to the following address:

The Historic Towns Trust,

4 Ferry Road,





Deatils to include:

  1. Your name and contact information.

  2. The Atlas title or Map title (or information to identify the text), and material for which permission for reproduction or adaptation is sought.

  3. Details of where the reproduction or adaptation will appear:

    • What you wish to do with the material (e.g. reproduce in a book, a thesis; publish on the web)

    • For material to be published, please provide the name of the publisher, print run and price (estimated if necessary), geographical extent of publication (e.g. UK, world-wide) and language of publication.

Please include any other information that would be useful or relevant for us in considering the application.

Acknowledgements should be made in the following form:

‘Map first published in the Historic Towns Atlas Volume X, © The Historic Towns Trust, date’


‘Adapted from a map first published in Historic Towns Atlas Volume X, © The Historic Towns Trust, date.’

Material to appear on websites should be watermarked with © Historic Towns Trust, date



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