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Education & Outreach
Welcome to the Trust's Digital Library where you can browse and watch a collection of resource material from our latest projects and recorded lectures.

Spring Lecture Series 2022
Borders & Borderlands
Resource Support
Trust Archives
The Historic Towns Trust archive goes back to its foundation in 1963. It is a wide-ranging and eclectic set of documents which chart the history of the charity and the way that it has developed, as well as of the British Historic Towns Atlas itself. The Historic Towns Trust has deposited its archive with the Bodleian Library in Oxford for researchers, students and the curious public to access.

Resource Support
Reproducing Our Atlases & Maps
The Historic Towns Trust is always pleased when researchers use maps from the British Historic Towns Atlas Volumes for research and illustrative purposes. If you are interested in using any of our content, please see our copyright guidelines on How to Use Trust content below.

Digital Resource Library
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