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Town & City Historic Maps

Alnwick & Alnmouth

From earliest times to 1918

Wooden Surface

Alnwick is one of the most studied small towns in Great Britain, and its wealth of history lends itself to an historical map. The town's form and layout can be traced back to an Anglo-Saxon foundation. The town had medieval walls and towers and of course is dominated by Alnwick Castle, seat of the Dukes of Northumberland, and more recently famous for its use in the Harry Potter films. North of the town is the 'Capability' Brown landscape of the castle, home to a huge army camp and hospital in the First World War.

Alnmouth is a small settlement at the mouth of the river Aln, and of a fascinating form. The village was long the port for Alnwick and changed shape when the river dramatically altered its course, separating its church from the rest of the settlement. It is home to one of the earliest golf courses in the country.

The map has a gazetteer listing the sites of interest in Alnwick and Alnmouth, illustrations, and a short history of the settlements and their place in the landscape.

Publication Details

Published Date:

November 2021





Please note: Our maps are available to buy from our online Shop, through local booksellers and other outlets in the cities featured, or by ordering through any bookshop or online book retailer. 


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