Online Exhibition
Town & City Historical Maps
The Historic Towns Trust's first atlas volume established, for the first time, a reliable ground record of towns for periods of their history long before the science of surveying and mapping was developed. This outstanding achievement of mapping the past, as if the features existed on the ground today, provides a new dimension and insight into the development of British towns and cities.
View a collection of some of the historic towns and cities the Trust has recently mapped in this innovative format and see if you can guess the town or city.

Can you Guess The Town or City?

Which Town & City Map is this collection from?
Resource Support
The Historic Towns Trust archive goes back to its foundation in 1963. It is a wide-ranging and eclectic set of documents which chart the history of the charity and the way that it has developed, as well as of the British Historic Towns Atlas itself. The Historic Towns Trust has deposited its archive with the Bodleian Library in Oxford for researchers, students and the curious public to access.